Root Tip Elevator | HEIDBRINK SATIN 2.5mm LEFT

Root Elavators are instruments designed to loosen or remove dental roots, root fragments or teeth. HILTONBRO offers a wide range of root elevator available to suit different teeth, techniques, and locations in the mouth. Handle is made from Non-Magnet stainless steel (life time rust prevention material) while tip is made from solid and hardened stainless steel last longer.


Heidbrink root tip  Elevator are used to remove fractured root  tips  lodged  deep  in  the  root  socket.  Our elevators have very thin and sharply pointed working ends. Heidbrink Root Tip Picks feature delicate beaks for removing broken root tips from the socket. Our Heidbrink elevators have very thin and sharply pointed working ends.


Choice of Elevators:

The selection from wide range of elevation instruments based on the following factors:

  • Remaining Tooth Structure.
  • Space Available.
  • Availability and Position of Solid Fulcrum.
  • Direction of the required Movement.
Indication of Use:
  • Reflect Mucoperiosteal membrane.
  • Luxate, remove teeth which cannot be engaged by forceps.
  • Remove carious or fractured roots.
  • Loosen teeth prior to application of forceps.
  • Split teeth which have grooves cut into them.
  • Remove intra radicular bone.
Elevation of Teeth:

Wedge Elevator between tooth and bone at neck of tooth and rotate handle with slight twisting, quarter-turn movement.

Observe for Tooth movement. Do not use excessive force to avoid.

  • Crown Fracture.
  • Loosen Adjacent Teeth.

Wedge Elevator between tooth and bone at neck of tooth and rotate handle with slight twisting, quarter-turn movement.

  • 1 to 3 Year Conditional Warranty
  •  4000 time autoclavable
  •  Easy to use